Thursday, December 17, 2009

Drink Well!

I have often heard rumors of studies done that show the health benefits of drinking a glass of wine every day, or that there are no ill effects to drinking beer moderately. Evidently there are hundreds of large scale studies that show having 1-3 standard sized drinks of alcohol per day (depending on your size and assuming you have no adverse reaction to alcohol) can be very beneficial to you in a variety of areas in health and wellness.

Wanna reduce your risk of Hypertension; drink a beer. Wanna increase your chances of avoiding Alzheimer’s; drink a beer. Don’t like strokes, heart attacks, and wanna live longer; you guessed it, drink a beer.

I know this will sound outrageous and irresponsible to some people, but don't take my word for it. Here is a link to a site that has citations to 100+ studies showing this to be true.


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Greater Salt Lake City area, Utah, United States
