Monday, April 27, 2009

Has Utah MADD gone mad?

After directly opposing Gov. Huntsman' liquor reform, the Utah chapter of MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) was sent a message from the National MADD organization that, “local chapters must adhere to national policies”.

MADD has tried to distance itself from being a prohibitionist movement in recent years, but that is exactly what many beer & liquor advocates in Utah believe MADD to be doing. With many statements and practices within the Utah chapter that suggest that drinking is bad, not drinking and driving, it is easy to discredit the efforts of Utah MADD.

The founder of MADD, Candace Lightner, became disenfranchised after alcohol consumption became the focus of the MADD agenda, rather than reducing drunk driving. And, while it seems the national MADD organization has come around, not surprisingly, the Utah chapter is still focused on a different issue... Maybe they can start their own organization... how about MAID (Mothers Against the Idea of Drinking)?

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Greater Salt Lake City area, Utah, United States
